Victor Bivell magazine editor for 30 years & founder & publisher of Eco Investor
Push towards renewable energy is unstoppable, but understand the challenges The global momentum behind renewables is unstoppable. Investors who want to look more deeply into how clean energy is growing, and growing its share of the global energy market, can find a wealth of information from some of the world’s leading sources. For example, the International Renewable Energy Agency says that global renewable energy capacity more than doubled in the nine years from 2007 to 2016 and global renewable energy production rose 56 per cent in the eight years from 2007 to 2015. The biggest drivers of this growth are wind and solar. For investors thinking of taking the next step and investing, it would be worthwhile to first make sure they have a sense of just how big and varied the sector is, how many ways there are to invest, which technologies and stocks offer what they are looking for, and at what point they may want to buy. Read the whole article here Comments are closed.