Alex JamiesonAJ Financial Planning
AJ Financial Planning is a unique and innovative financial planning firm located in Prahran, Melbourne. The firm takes an active approach to investing. AJ Financial Planning is proud to be accredited with the following certifications: Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) – Is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment. The principles developed by PRI were in partnership with the United Nations Environment Program and the United National Global Compact. AJ Financial Planning is proud to be the first Australian Financial Planning firm to be the signatory to these international recognised principles for Responsible Investment. The Banking and Finance Oath (BFO) – we believe that by taking this oath, AJ Financial Planning joins in the effort to re-assert the ethical foundation of the industry beyond regulation and compliance, by broadening expectations and discussion to include ethics, integrity, honesty and trust. Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) – Our Financial Planners at AJ Financial Planning are all members of this organisation and are driven by a shared belief in the value of providing responsible, expert advice to our clients. Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA)– Alex Jamieson, our Founder is honoured to be part of this peak industry body, representing responsible and ethical investors across Australia and New Zealand. Go back to Find an Adviser |